MIKE DOWD –  Head P.G.A. Professional

Mike Dowd has been teaching golf professionally for 24 years, has been Head P.G.A. Professional at  Oakdale for the past 13, is a member of teh Northern California P.G.A.’s Board of Directors, and is a Callaway Golf Elite Staff Member.  He has mentored students who have attained shcolarships at USC, UOP, USF, U.C. Berkeley, U.C. Davis, Hawaii, C.SU. Sacramento, Stanislaus, And Chico as well as both men’s and ladies professional tours.  Having spent years developing the ability to coummunicate swing mechanics to players of all learning styles, he has turned his focus this past decade to the mental side of the game to develop a unique program that helps students maximize  their potential by learning how to think like players  who compete at an elite level.

DAVID RIDER – Assistant P.G.A. Professional 

David Rider has been the P.G.A. Assistant Pfofessional at Oakdale for the past 4 years.  He has over 16 years of experience coaching and instructing golfers.  He is a certified club fitter with experience in helping players achieve a high level of play through golf club assessment, and is a mebmer of the Taylor- Made Golf Professinol Staff.  He plays competitively in the Northern California Section of the P.G.A., has won 5 times since turning pro, and holds the course record LaContenta G.C. with a career low round of 61.  As a teacher, he focuses on how to play the game and proper swing fundamentals.  As a coach his primary goal is to bring out the skills of each individual golfer that will help take them to the next level.

KERI ARNOLD – Assistant L.P.G.A. Professional 

Read more:  The Acorn Academy

Keri Arnold is the newest assistant at OGCC and she is an LPGA Class “A” Member.  Keri played professionally on the LPGA Tour earlier in her career and is a certified John Jacobs School Instructor and has been mentored by top 100 instructor Bob Toski.  She has been teaching golf professionally for over 20 years.

VANCE CALTON – Assitant Professional 

Vance is a recent enrollee the P.G.A. of America’s Golf Professional’s Training Program and will be in his first full year teaching the game at Oakdale Golf & Coutnry Club, but has been the head of outside services at the club for the past 3.  Vance’s friendly personality and passion the game really shine through in every thing he does at the club and desire to help young people in any way that he can is exemplified through his volunteer coaching for local high schools and teaching Sunday School through his church.

Acorn Academy

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